Food Corporation of India- FCI is known as
for giving officer level job in India. In month July 2013, Food Corporation of
India has published vacancies for different departments of different states. FCI
is an organization which handles the food supply, food distribution problems of
India. FCI has released the vacancies for Management Trainee and other posts in
every year. This recruitment is brought lots of opportunities, so candidates
get more possibilities to join Indian government. After submission of the
application form, recruitment will base on written exam and Interview like us
other Sarkari Naukri exams. Candidates who want an officer job with lots of
benefits, they may apply for this FCI latest recruitment 2013.
BEL (Bharat Electronics Ltd) – Indian
Engineers who have done their engineering, they may apply for the Bharat
Electronics Limited. It is an Indian government company which prefers engineers
as the employee of the company. With Engineers, it gives chance to other stream
candidates such that management. BEL develops products for Indian people and
army. So it chooses talented candidates of engineering for better service &
better quality of products. For this, A Huge group of candidates are invited by
BEL to select best applicants. The notification of the BEL recruitment is published
by the online job portal websites and offline news papers. From where, an
applicant may apply for the post in Bharat Electronics Limited.
TNPL (Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers
Limited) - it is another resource of various vacancies. Tamil Nadu Newsprint
and papers limited has released more than 1000 vacancies for the vacant
vacancies. In TNPL, senior manager, junior manager, officer, etc posts are
released every year. This Company manufactures various kinds of paper which are
supply to the other companies as a raw material. It is used waste material to
build paper raw material. In this organization, Engineers works for searching
techniques to manufacture the paper with less impact on environment. To continue
these services perfectly, a big number of the employees works hard for this
organization. So in a year, TNPL announced recruitment of graduates and
engineers two times. A bright future can be gotten by the freshers in the Tamil
Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited. TNPL has announced for the notification for
the TNPL Recruitment 2013 in this year. Eligible job seekers may apply for this
recruitment. Selection procedure of the TNPL is same like as other recruitment
process of government department. firstly you will face a written test then an
The Notifications are available on the of TNPL, BEL and FCI. Other government jobs are also
available on this job portal. Tnpl,
recruitment 2013, fci
recruitment 2013.