DRDO Recruitment Opportunities and Online Selection Procedure

Latest Recruitment in DRDO, Defence Research Development Organization is the most demanding sector of Engineers. Every year, thousands of Engineers added as employee in this organization. DRDO recruitment is opened for Research related activities for the Defence of India. DRDO makes recruitment for freshers of around 500 to 1000 engineers and some other stream freshers recruit in administrative and technical branches of DRDO. Like any other Government Jobs, DRDO is also popular for job security and other allowances benefits. DRDO recruitment process is similar to the other government job (written exam & interview), but the level of written exam & interview. 

Three steps follow in the recruitment process:
1. Application Submission
2. Written Exam
3. Personal Interview
DRDO organizes the recruitment for the five or more posts – Scientists, Technical Staff, Admin, Training, Research fellow. These post notification comes through employment newspaper and online job portal websites. In Recent Times, Candidates may apply online for DRDO Application form 2013. It is very easy way to fill application form. Of the above five posts are opened every year in this organization. Scientist, technical staff, admin are permanent jobs in DRDO, but other post have the internship for short time. For category Scientists, Candidate becomes a gazetted officer. DRDO gives lots of opportunities to the candidates for these posts.

Technical staff recruitment is done by other recruitment agency CEPTAM or Centre for Personnel Talent Management. Technical Staff comes under the Group C and get benefits which are fixed for the group C. For the notification of DRDO Recruitment 2013-2014, it is needed that you keep a touch with online job portal websites.

For scientist’s recruitment, candidates will face a tough written exam which consists of the aptitude, reasoning test, expertise test. The required age for this post is 35 to 50 years and experience more than 5 years. Candidates have also done BE/B.Tech/ME/M.Tech degree in relevant disciplines.
In many cases, some experienced candidates recruit after a personal interview only. For recruitment through CEPTAM, candidates take the written exam which will base on these subjects:
1. General Awareness
2. General Intelligence
3. Reasoning Ability
4. General Science
The questions pattern of English and math is usually of Class X. For reasoning ability and general intelligence has the high level of questions. To clear the DRDO recruitment, a solid preparation will be needed for candidates. Recruitment agency selects the admin & allied categories

Recruitmentresult.com is very helpful for job seekers. It gives valuable recruitment notification of the DRDO and other government jobs. drdo.gov.in, drdo recruitment 2013, DRDO CEPTAM